"Infinite, and an infant"
“I do believe that the very angels have never wondered but once and that has been incessantly ever since they first beheld it. They never cease to tell the astonishing story, and to tell it with increasing astonishment too, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary, and became a man. Is he not rightly called Wonderful? Infinite, and an infant — eternal, and yet born of a woman — Almighty, and yet hanging on a woman’s breast supporting the universe, and yet needing to be carried in a mother’s arms — king of angels, and yet the reputed son of Joseph — heir of all things and yet the carpenter’s despised son. Wonderful art thou O Jesus, and that shall be thy name for ever.”
- Charles Spurgeon, taken from the blog "Of First Importance."
8:23 AM | | 1 Comments
Fun With Photobooth
Apple brought the fun of a photo booth to me, Kimberly, and Amanda. Oh what fun it is to pose on an iSight camera!
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Fun Photos |
6:56 PM | | 4 Comments
Family Slideshow
Below is a project I've been working on. My sister sends me tons of pictures of my two nieces (Selene who is 2 yrs. and Kalyse who is almost 1 yr.). So, I just took some of them and made a slide show out of them.
1:58 PM | | 0 Comments
Christ has a gate far beyond all our thinking
Christ has a gate far beyond all our thinking –
Hidden the key, and the lock no man knows;
Free as the wind in His secret appearings,
Sweetly He comes and then strangely He goes.
Ours but to seek Him with impatient patience!
They only thrive who will wait for His love,
Yet in the waiting besiege Him with weeping,
Making ado till He comes from above.
Christ by His dealings would fashion and mould us;
Carving out baseness, corruption and sin,
Making us perfect by pain and by wounding,
Forming His Father’s fair image within.
Daily we mar all our prospects of heaven,
Stumbling we falter, yet Christ makes us whole;
Kindly He lifts us with glimpses of glory,
Till all its splendour shall rise on our soul.
Faith Cook, Grace in Winter (Carlisle, PA.: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1989), 68. Copied from the blog Of First Importance.
9:40 PM | | 1 Comments
One movie I will pay $8.50 again to see...
Pain. Grief. Healing. Hope. Love. Joy. Providence. These are the themes of 'bella' . Not a single cuss word or sex scene. The character development is so good and the storyline so gripping, that, you will feel like you have walked beside the characters themselves. I thank God for Alejandro Monteverde and Metanoia Films and pray that He will raise up more men and women in Hollywood to produce films like this one. If you're due a date night with your spouse, I highly recommend you use it to go and see this great movie.
6:16 PM | | 0 Comments
Sunday Drinks Shot Down
The article can be read here. By the way I appreciated the comments left by our readers. One of the arguments against alcohol sales on Sunday right now is that not selling alcohol enhances the quality of life for people who don't want to be in 'that kind of environment'. Share your thoughts.
Now playing: The Myriad - We Will Be Disappointed Together (Arrows Mis)
via FoxyTunes
10:17 AM | | 2 Comments
Selling on the 'Sabbath'?
Due to recent developments in the area I want to gather the opinions of all our readers. Just a few weeks ago the City of Centerville voted to allow restaraunts to sell alcohol on Sunday. I don't know any definitive facts about whether Warner Robins will do the same or not. So, we have included a poll at the bottom for your voting pleasure. If you would like to explain your vote please feel free to leave a comment on this blog.
2:36 PM | | 4 Comments
Poll Results
Well, the votes are in. I thank everyone for taking valuable time out of your busy lives and voting. The results are: 3 persons voted that they prefer to drink coffee out of a french press, 0 persons voted that they love coffee but do not prefer to drink it out of a french press, 4 persons voted that they love coffee but haven't tried it out of a french press, and 1 person voted that they hate coffee (not hard to figure that one out). The one thing I found interesting is that 0 persons voted that they prefer not to drink out of a french press. To me, this made creating the poll all the more special. The evidence stands: French press coffee is better. (I know, I know, tastes are subjective. I tend to be a little partial about my coffee.) By the way, Kimberly and I are really enjoying our new house. I hope sometime in the future to posts pics.
6:51 AM | | 0 Comments
Another Jewel from C.S. Lewis
I live in a culture that is full of people that seek normality (if such a word exists). The status by which we are considered to meet the social expectations of the status quo. I see it in the church. It seems that the underlying goal is to be liked instead of being real. Of course, to be real is to reflect Reality Himself. So, when I read this passage from C.S. Lewis, it comes as a breath of fresh conviction and encouragement. Conviction to not set my eyes on the things of this world and encouragement to set my eyes on the Author and Perfector of our faith.
"Medicine labours to restore 'natural' structure or 'normal' function. But greed, egoism, self-deception and self-pity are not unnatural or abnormal in the same sense as astigmatism or a floating kidney. For who, in Heaven's name, would describe as natural or normal the man from whom these failings were wholly absent? 'Natural', if you like, in a quite different sense; archnatural, unfallen. We have seen only one such Man. And He was not at all like the psychologist's picture of the integrated, balanced, adjusted, happily married, employed, popular citizen. You can't really be very well 'adjusted' to your world if it says you 'have a devil' and ends by nailing you up naked to a stake of wood."
P.S. - Normality - n. conforming to a standard.
11:35 AM | | 4 Comments
Only One Way (for me...)
I love coffee. Kimberly dislikes it passionately (not just the taste, but the smell too). Our very first date was to a coffee shop. Oh how little did I know then. I'm thankful Kimberly's criteria for a man didn't include that he must not drink coffee. As Kimberly says, we got that difference in the open right off the bat. Today I am preparing to substitute for a brother at church who teaches our 6th graders. As I was studying, I sensed my body telling me that coffee would be really good right now. So, I obeyed. I went into the kitchen and made the finest cup of french pressed coffee I think I've ever made. So, to spread and share the joy, I've included a poll at the bottom of our blog in order to get to know our readers better. Enjoy.
11:38 AM | | 5 Comments
The Irony of Weak Pride
"Boasting and self-pity are manifestations of pride. Boasting is the response of pride to success. Self-pity is the response of pride to suffering. Boasting says, 'I deserve admiration because I have achieved so much.' Self-pity says, 'I deserve admiration because I have sacrificed so much.' Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. Self-pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak. Boasting sounds self-sufficient. Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing. The reason self-pity does not look like pride is that it appears to be needy. But the need arises from a wounded ego and the desire of the self-pitying is no really for others to see them as helpless, but heroes. The need self-pity feels does not come from a sense of unworthiness, but from a sense of unrecognized worthiness. It is the response of unapplauded pride."
-from Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian hedonist by John Piper
Now playing: Iona - Encircling
via FoxyTunes
8:36 AM | | 2 Comments
Agenda for Date Night: Dinner and Lowe's?
It is quite humorous to me how I find myself in places on a date that, before now, would have been unthinkable. I've never been a big fan of Lowe's. I think the only times that Kimberly and I have gone to Lowe's is for gift cards. Now, we are going to Lowe's on a date night. We are under contract for our first house. Now, Lowe's is up there with Best Buy (in my esteem) and Hobby Lobby (in Kimberly's esteem).
Now playing: David Crowder Band - Oh the Glory of It All
via FoxyTunes
8:06 PM | | 2 Comments
Charles Spurgeon on Revelation
"Man's intellect seeks after rest, and by nature seeks it apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. Men of education are apt, even when converted, to look upon the simplicities of the cross of Christ with an eye too little reverent and loving...the temptation with a man of refined thought and high education is to depart from the simple truth of Christ crucified, and to invent, as the term is, a more intellectual doctrine. This led the early Christian churches into Gnosticism, and bewitched them with all sorts of heresies...whoever you are, good reader, and whatever your education may be, if you be the Lord's, be assured you will find no rest in philosophizing divinity. You may receive this dogma of one great thinker. or that dream of another profound reasoner, by what the chaff is to the wheat, that will these be to the pure word of God. All that reason, when best guided, can find out is but the A B C of truth, and even that lacks certainty, while in Christ Jesus there is treasured up all the fullness of wisdom and knowledge. All attempts on the part of Christians to be content with systems such as Unitarian and Broad-church thinkers would approve of, must fail; true heirs of heaven must come back to the grandly simple reality which makes the plough-boy's eye flash with joy, and glads the pious pauper's heart--'Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.' Jesus satisfies the most elevated intellect when He is believingly received, but apart from Him the mind of the regenerate discovers no rest. 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.' 'A good understanding have all they that do His commandments.'"
Now playing: David Crowder Band - Never Let Go
via FoxyTunes
6:57 PM | | 0 Comments
Freedom Fest 2007
We just got back from Freedom Fest over at Southside Baptist Church. This year they hosted Chris Tomlin. Before Chris and the band took the stage they opened up with the video below. What is interesting about this video is the person made it after he went to a Chris Tomlin concert and then posted it on YouTube. Check it out, it's pretty sweet.
Now playing: Switchfoot - The Shadow Proves the Sunshine
via FoxyTunes
8:27 PM | | 0 Comments
Just some thoughts....
Kimberly and I went to Casa Mexico in Byron tonight for our date night. It's our favorite Mexican restaurant. Their chimichangas are unrivaled by any other in our area simply because they have the brilliant idea of pouring that wonderful white cheese all over them. Anyway, after our dinner we walked through the Byron outlet. We came to the point in our date that every husband either loves or hates because their is no middle ground. You know it very well. The point where your wife goes to the restroom and leaves you with the important task of holding her purse while you sit on a bench in the open. I am very thankful to some of my friends that I was adequately trained for this task on my bachelor night. Now I happen to be one of those guys that, overall, loves this task. Tonight, as I was sitting in the open with Kimberly's purse, I meditated on the wisdom and goodness of Christ. I am thankful that I get to sit on a bench holding the purse of the most beautiful and brilliant woman I've ever met. It isn't good for me to be alone. Her companionship is a gift. It's a shadow that points me to my Creator. Granted, these times of reflection are fewer than I would like. Sometimes I feel like throwing the purse across the parking lot. Marriage isn't room service, it's real life. And in this life we still have sin to battle. "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" In Christ I don't have to obey these sinful desires. I can deny myself, take up my wife's purse daily and follow Him. "But whoever desires to be great among you, let him be your servant."
Now playing: Chris Tomlin & Christy Nockels - Glorious
via FoxyTunes
8:12 PM | | 0 Comments
The American Medical Association Addresses Abortion...
If you have not visited our link to the ministry of Abort73.com, I highly recommend it. Even more so if you or someone you know is thinking about having an abortion. On their page they have a post detailing the AMA's position on abortion over 100 years ago and their current position. It is quite shocking. The post can be read here.
Now playing: Phil Collins - I Wish It Would Rain Down
via FoxyTunes
12:00 PM | | 0 Comments
In case you are unaware, and have not been following the Little League World Series, our very own Warner Robins American Little League will be representing the Southeast in the United States Championship. They will be facing off against Lubbock, Texas who is representing the Southwest. This is the semi-final game to determine who will face off against the winner of the Carribean vs. Japan International Championship. Way to go WRALL!! The tournament results and gametimes can be found here.
8:32 AM | | 0 Comments
I just finished uploading the remaining photos from our trip to Tacoma, Washington. As I was commenting on each photo, I came across the photo of Kimberly standing in front of a Dancing Goats espresso bar (which can be viewed here). It occurred to me that their is a really cool legend behind the naming of this excellent coffee. It also occurred to me that some of you may be interested in knowing how one of the finest coffees in America came to have such a ridiculously random name such as Dancing Goats. Do goats even dance? What in the world do goats have to do with coffee? Right? Well, here follows the legend of Dancing Goats coffee: In Ethiopia their were a couple of goat herders (I guess they are called herders) who were tending to their goats. It was a normal day until one of the herders noticed that a small number of the goats were acting very strange. At various times they would jump around. That's right, they would jump around and this would continue for some time. The herders couldn't figure it out because it would be different goats at different times. This continued until one day the herders noticed the goats feeding. And what they saw is the goats eating coffee beans they had never seen before. So, like any curious human, the herders tried the beans and the beans were very good. So, the beans were named after their founders.
1:21 PM | | 0 Comments
I went to Mars Hill Church today. I have never been to a church like this one. The outside looks like a 100 year old Church. The inside, though, you could never tell you were at church, except for the pews inside the sanctuary. The lights were dim throughout the building. Their was a room (called the Commons) designated as the bookstore/coffee bar/overflow room with a projection screen, seats, and communion table ready. In every area their were very nice sound systems set up playing music. The people were very friendly. I had to park 1 block up and walk. Their were people designated at each parking lot. Greeters were their at the entrance of the building as well as guides inside the sanctuary. The bulletin they gave me was unlike any bulletin I've ever seen. It was very small, about the size of a CD case and very creative. Inside the sanctuary they had announcements scrolling through the projection screen. You could take your coffee inside the sanctuary. People buzzed and talked until the service started. It began by the band playing some music which was to introduce the campus pastor. He came out and made some announcements. Then the band, whose lead singer was a woman, led us through the worship of Jesus. The songs were so God centered and the band was as good or better than any major artist in the industry. Pastor Mark Driscoll then came out and preached on Nehemiah chapter 8. His major points being that two signs of God bringing revival are that the fathers' hearts are turned towards their families in love and service and that God's people obey God's word. Great sermon, filled with glorious truth, funny sarcasm and stories, and application. After the sermon we sang about 5 songs (songs of repentance and praise) and took communion, which consisted of two people at the end of each aisle. One held the basket of cut up bread and the other held two wine glasses, one labeled wine and the other labeled grape juice.
3:05 PM | | 0 Comments
If I'm not mistaken, taking a class on Text Messaging (if there were such a thing) would not be unlike sitting in any Air Force instructed class. Abbreviations are everwhere! Just an observation...
10:04 AM | | 0 Comments
What can I say? It has been quite interesting these last two days. God has been good and has given me grace to give thanks and rejoice in our circumstances. Well, the trip started at approximately 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning when Kimberly and I woke up to travel back from Valdosta (we were at a wedding). Even now I miss her, sitting there in the passenger seat so sleepy. We arrived at the apartment at 7:30, just enough time to change, eat breakfast and say our farewells. The driver came to my apartment at 8:30 a.m. to pick me up. Kimberly and I were outside waiting when he came. It was hard leaving her there. Yet, for all the emotions, she didn't resent my leaving. She was excited for me and it makes me love her all the more for it. One thing that has occurred to me while on my trip so far, not one of my coworkers has come right out and said that he will miss his wife. Now granted, they may miss them. They call and talk to them, so that means something, right? I have heard them say that the persons they will miss the most are their children. This seems backwards to me, but who am I? Anyways, I rode with Gordon (a coworker of mine) to the airport via Powers Transportation. Here is a bit of advice: Go inside and check your luggage. Curbside check in is $2. Yeah it's convenient, but what are you saving? Having to open the door to go inside the airport? Well, we get to the airport and connect with our 2 other guys going with us. Not long after this, our flight is delayed 2 hours due to storms in Dallas Ft. Worth. I'll spare you the flight narratives and just tell you that the scenery was breathtaking, the day long. When it was all said and done and we landed in Sea/Tac Int., got our rental van and arrived at the Inn, I had been up for 23 hours. I was goofy tired.
1:50 PM | | 0 Comments
This Sunday I will be leaving for Tacoma, Washington (State, not D.C.). I will be going up with four coworkers to McChord Air Force Base for the purpose of being trained on the tactical C-17. I'm excited and Kimberly is excited for me. It will be the longest stretch that we have ever been apart. I will miss her. Yet, I look forward to the time alone also. I will be able to visit geography that is utterly breathtaking (Mt. Ranier for example). The dry climate and cooler weather I'll enjoy, and having rain most of the time will definitely be a change. Good coffee and good beer is another perk of being in the Seattle/Tacoma area. This visit is almost a shock to me because I've always longed to visit Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I never thought I would be able to, but now I'm going to be about 45 minutes from there. Kimberly will come to be with me for the last week and a half. It will, Lord willing, be a sweet time. Please pray for the Lord's strength for Kimberly and I as you are led.
P.S. I'll try to keep a journal of the visit as I go!
10:56 AM | | 1 Comments
I wanted to share a blog entry written by John Piper about the Supreme Courts' ruling in favor of upholding the ban on partial birth abortion. It's entitled Let the python eat its tail. Amen.
12:57 PM | | 0 Comments
What person, or persons, do you listen to most? Who affects you the most when they speak? Is it yourself? Spouse? Coworkers? Friends? I just read a blog entry from John Piper from Desiring God. Here is an excerpt from it:
"The great need of our time is for people to experience the living reality of God by hearing his word personally and transformingly in Scripture. Something is incredibly wrong when the words we hear outside Scripture are more powerful and more affecting to us than the inspired word of God."
You can click on the link to the right to go to the website and read the rest.
1:49 PM | | 0 Comments
Kimberly and I got up this morning very very late. 11:00. Right now it is 1:15. I've left Kimberly at home to relax and feel better. I've stopped at my favorite sub sandwich joint (Larry's), sung just about every favorite hymn I know, dropped of 'Last of the Mohicans' at Blockbuster, stopped by the Coffee Tree to get an Americano, and now at last I'm at Prinnie Mack coffee company working on the announcements for our church in Keynote and listening to David Crowder Band's remake of 'Rock of Ages' off of the Amazing Grace soundtrack. Once I'm done here I'll head to the public library to get lost in some church history and Stephen R. Lawhead. But, during the course of my stay here at Prinnie Mack's I had to go to the bathroom (I won't divulge any further). While in the bathroom, I noticed a poster that said "What is Love?" and included quotes on love from famous thinkers and writers. If you've seen this poster you probably already know what I'm about to say. As I scanned the plethora of quotes I came to one that said "I am sick of love." Now, on the surface this very funny, ecspecially if you are single and it's Valentine's Day. But, as I scanned down to the author do you know who they attributed it to? King Solomon! I couldn't believe it! I wanted to tear it down and throw it away. I wanted to march out of the bathroom (after I was done of course) and demand they take it down. I didn't. I left it to the individual to test the accuracy for himself. But, in case you are not in the know here is the actual quote from the Song of Solomon. "Sustain me with raisins, refresh me with apples; for I am sick with love." Song of Solomon 2:5. By the way, their is another reference in chapter 5 verse 8.
10:13 AM | | 0 Comments
Just wanted to let everyone know our Web Album has been updated with new photos!
9:06 AM | | 0 Comments