Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

Only One Way (for me...)

I love coffee. Kimberly dislikes it passionately (not just the taste, but the smell too). Our very first date was to a coffee shop. Oh how little did I know then. I'm thankful Kimberly's criteria for a man didn't include that he must not drink coffee. As Kimberly says, we got that difference in the open right off the bat. Today I am preparing to substitute for a brother at church who teaches our 6th graders. As I was studying, I sensed my body telling me that coffee would be really good right now. So, I obeyed. I went into the kitchen and made the finest cup of french pressed coffee I think I've ever made. So, to spread and share the joy, I've included a poll at the bottom of our blog in order to get to know our readers better. Enjoy.


Joshua said...

Not only do I love French Roasted French Pressed coffee - but I'm drinking some right now!

Jason & Kimberly said...

You see, you just can't talk about french pressed coffee without using an exclamation mark at the end! Thanks for sharing the joy brother.

Steve said...

When I tried French pressed coffee it was a leeeetle bit strong for me. I do normally like my coffee stronger than others, though. Maybe I should try the Jason blend sometime!

Jason & Kimberly said...

The Jason Blend. Now there's an idea....

Anonymous said...

If I was stranded on a tropical island and could only have three items with me, they would be coffee, sunscreen and a cell phone.

In that order.