Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis


From the website:

AMBITION. Simply knowing how to plant and lead a church is not enough. Knowledge must come hand-in-hand with God-given ambition. The Apostle Paul responded to God’s call to make the gospel known among the Gentiles with zealous determination. Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, made it his ambition to take the gospel to those who did not have it even if it cost him everything. He proclaimed the gospel, gathered believers into churches, established elders, and discipled believers; and he did all this with zeal and passion. In the hope of this type of ambition overflowing in the Church, we would like to invite you to the Acts 29 Network Ambition Boot Camp, November 10-11, 2009, which will focus on planting and leading churches with God-given ambition.

This conference is a 'boot camp' for church planters who are interested in being assessed and plant within the Acts 29 network, but it is also open to the public. Whether you feel called to plant a church or want to gain a deeper understanding of your role in it, I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. I'm excited for my pastor, Keith Watson, who will be sharing his testimony and speaking during one of the workshops.