Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

What can I say? It has been quite interesting these last two days. God has been good and has given me grace to give thanks and rejoice in our circumstances. Well, the trip started at approximately 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning when Kimberly and I woke up to travel back from Valdosta (we were at a wedding). Even now I miss her, sitting there in the passenger seat so sleepy. We arrived at the apartment at 7:30, just enough time to change, eat breakfast and say our farewells. The driver came to my apartment at 8:30 a.m. to pick me up. Kimberly and I were outside waiting when he came. It was hard leaving her there. Yet, for all the emotions, she didn't resent my leaving. She was excited for me and it makes me love her all the more for it. One thing that has occurred to me while on my trip so far, not one of my coworkers has come right out and said that he will miss his wife. Now granted, they may miss them. They call and talk to them, so that means something, right? I have heard them say that the persons they will miss the most are their children. This seems backwards to me, but who am I? Anyways, I rode with Gordon (a coworker of mine) to the airport via Powers Transportation. Here is a bit of advice: Go inside and check your luggage. Curbside check in is $2. Yeah it's convenient, but what are you saving? Having to open the door to go inside the airport? Well, we get to the airport and connect with our 2 other guys going with us. Not long after this, our flight is delayed 2 hours due to storms in Dallas Ft. Worth. I'll spare you the flight narratives and just tell you that the scenery was breathtaking, the day long. When it was all said and done and we landed in Sea/Tac Int., got our rental van and arrived at the Inn, I had been up for 23 hours. I was goofy tired.