Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

Top 25 since 2005

The following list of songs are the top 25 songs I have played the most in iTunes since Kimberly and I got the iBook. The picture was taken straight from my iTunes library with Grab, another cool feature on the Mac. Thanks Josh P. for showing me that. By the way, thanks Heather for sharing your list, now here's mine.


Anonymous said...

Grab is a great feature. Also did you know that you can do a screen capture by pressing Command+Shift+3? And if you use Command+shift+4 your cursor will turn to a crosshairs and you can highlight portions of the screen to capture. Just a tip that you may or may not know.

By the way, you got some cool music on there. I need to get some of the Myriad's music. They have an interesting sound. Lately I've been getting into a band called Edison Glass and a guy named Andrew Osenga.

Jason & Kimberly said...

Kimberly and I saw The Myriad live. Let me tell you, I haven't seen a band with stage presence like these guys. They make you want whatever it is they are singing about. Amazing. I actually used the command+shift+4 to capture that playlist.

Heath said...

The Myriad is already in your top 25.