Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

The Suburbs and Christianity: Clearing the Confusion

I was browsing over some blogs that I usually read and stumbled upon two new ones that I think may serve as informative for me in my suburban context. One of the blogs is entitled Missio Dei Suburbia: Reconnecting God's people to God's mission. The blog is maintained by Matt Adair, whom I spent four days with in St. Louis at an Acts 29 Conference. I enjoyed the conversations we had and I was thrilled to stumble upon his blog because he is in a similar context: Suburbia. So, here is Matt Adair at Missio Dei Suburbia - The Suburbs and Christianity

In case we confuse life in the 'burbs with following Jesus:

Suburbs = leveraging everything in order to experience safety, security, and comfort

Christianity = leveraging everything in order to experience the love of Christ, who is our safety, security and comfort