Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

Weird Worship Meme

Well Heather, here goes nothing...5 worship songs I consider to be weird.

In no significant order...

1. 'Prepare the Way' by Charlie Hall. I think he is using the phrase 'prepare the way' as a call for God's people to clear their hearts for the work of God. I don't know. But what I do know is that when I have listened to this song I didn't get it and I didn't worship.
2. 'I will call upon the Lord'. Yeah it's fun to echo, and the words come from the Psalms. But it's at the point when I hit the 'liveth' I just want to laugh. It sounds so weird coming out of my mouth.
3. 'Micah 6:8'. I feel like I should be singing this song in a bar in Germany or Ireland really loud, along with other men who are singing this song really loud.
4. 'Above All'. The theology of the atonement in this song is weird and quite foreign to Scripture. The verses are great and I love to sing them. They exalt God above everything. Then you get to the words 'you took the fall and thought of me, above all'. How can we look at the cross and think that ME, my worth, was the driving force of His passion? He went to glorify the Father and to uphold the honor and beauty of God's righteousness that I once hated. He was becoming my sin and bearing the wrath of God against me, against the church universal. He was restoring communion between God and man and the whole kingdom of the earth now belongs to Jesus. Everything that was lost at the Fall He has and will make new. The cross isn't just about me, it's so much bigger than that. Yes, Jesus died for us. But, we are not the end. The glory and kingdom of God being restored is the end. These words were so contrary to Scripture that a friend of mine changed the words when he led worship to 'You bore it all to pay for sins, once for all'. Ahhh, much better. Let's sing about what He's really done.
5. 'Party' by Chris Tomlin. I'm still thinking about this one. When I first heard it I thought, "Oh Chris, no you didn't..."


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard "Party", yikes. Sounds lame.

I appreciate hearing about your theology. I don't know if I'm quite as Calvinist as you (if there are varying degrees), but I find myself on the same page theologically as you so many times. That's cool. Thanks for your thoughts on Above All. I appreciate MWS and all but yeah, I agree with what you said

Jason & Kimberly said...

I wondered if it was Smitty who wrote that. I couldn't remember. I hope that my wording will not get in the way of opening up discussion with those who may not agree. Some of what I said really hit home Sunday after our pastor preached on being Missional. Here is a great definition in case this your first time hearing the word: 'In its simplest form, the term missional is the noun missionary adapted into an adjective. For example, an adversary is your enemy. So, someone who is 'adversarial' acts like your enemy. A church of a follower of Christ who is viewed as missional acts like a missionary. They do the things that missionaries do...' Ed Stetzer. If you go on iTunes and type 'New City Church downtown' you can listen to the sermon once it's up. Also, I guess I should mention, Kimberly and I have joined said church. Sunday was our second week. We are a new church plant that meets in downtown at the Cox Capitol Theatre. www.newcitychurchdowntown.org.

Heather said...

Thanks for filling this out! I haven't heard of #3 or #5, and kinda doubt I ever will unless I Google them. Congrats (I guess?) on the new church.

Amanda said...

totally agreed on Party. I was like, dude are you serious?