Jason & Kimberly

"Life would not be so hard if we did not expect it to be so easy." C.S. Lewis

In The Cross of Christ I Glory

I was reading this hymn this morning and I was illuminated. I've either read or sang this hymn before, but until now I never 'saw' what I was reading. The last verse of this hymn sums up our whole worldview. The keyword here is 'sums'. There are so many implications and applications from having a cross centered view, or rather a God-centered view, of all of life. Here is the last verse of the precious hymn.

Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure,
By the cross are sanctified;
Peace is there that knows no measure,
Joys that thro' all time abide.


Anonymous said...

That is so good, man.

That's what I love about those old hymns. There is such deep truth and great theology embedded in them.

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing is another one that has greatly encouraged me.

Jason & Kimberly said...

Yes! I totally agree. Come Thou Fount is so brutally honest. "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love." That is the beauty of being justified freely by the grace of God. We can be honest, brutally honest to God and ourselves in Christ.